Monday, August 20, 2012

InstaGenius Review

InstaGenius Review icon

Despite the slightly more effort required to get a picture to InstaGenius, export the result is just as convincing. Users have the option of either saving the final result to their photo stream, or export it directly into Instagram for some additional optimizations and upload. The choice to save the file locally, is a nice feature because it means that users do not even need to bother with Instagram, if they do not want. You can do all these fantastic features and download the final results, wherever they want.

While I was doing something restricted by the setting a bit (and some that I do not ever bother) filters, I do not think InstaGenius offer enough features and options to make it well worth the asking price. For users, the search for Instagram are a little limited and dated, InstaGenius could do exactly the right thing for photos really pop.

iPhone Screenshots

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InstaGenius Review

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